About two months ago, I posted a link to another writer's blog entry, warning about a company called Pre-Press Company, Inc. that was currently refusing to pay her. They did eventually agree to pay her part of what they owe her... But, perhaps unsurprisingly, two months later Pre-Press Company, Inc. still owes her half of the agreed-upon amount.
I don't know about Kathy Kehlri, but as far as I'm concerned, they had a chance to prove themselves to be an honest, reputable employer - and they blew it. Then again, I'll bet Kathy probably agrees with me - otherwise she wouldn't have posted another "screw you."
I have no respect at all for a company that neglects to pay its writers, and then tries to bully them into not telling other writers that they're not good for their word. I mean, you have to wonder how many other writers Pre-Press Company has intimidated into keeping silent.
It's everyone's own decision, of course - but I'd say that Pre-Press Company is one employer that writers ought to avoid like the plague.
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I was an editor for Pre-Press Co., Inc. for a small project that started in October 2006 and ended the middle of Dec 2006. My contract read "Because of processing times, invoices received late in a month will not be paid the following month but will be held until the month after (payment could take up to 6 weeks)." I specifically wrote to the company to ask when their payroll was processed so that I could avoid the "late in the month delay". Though I addressed this question in two separate emails, I never received a direct answer to my queries other than one company individual telling me just to turn in inovices as often as possible! I submitted my first invoice to the company on 11/06/2006 and 3 other invoices on a weekly basis thereafter. I have yet to receive payment as of 1/05/2007 despite the 6 weeks being up on 12/21/2006. I am in desperate financial straits due to the lack of payment. I plan on asking Pre-Press for all 4 invoices to be paid at once hoping not to string this out over months hasseling with them. I know of two other writers (one here in Colorado, one in Massachusetts) who have been burned financially by this company. The Mass. writer eventually received payment, the Colorado writer received half of what was owed her after 6 months of no payment and she is currently trying to get the other half.
If anybody knows how to bring this company to the attention of something like the Better Business Bureau, please let us know!
I did several projects for Pre-Press in 2006. At first, they paid promptly. Then, when a due date came and went, I sent an e-mail and second invoice. I was told at that time policy had changed, and I could expect payment within 30-60 days of invoice receipt. That was in effect for apparently the length of time it took to write the e-mail telling me this was so. When the next invoice was not paid in 60 days, I inquired as to why. The person in accounting told me that it took 90 days. When I asked what happened to the 60 day max, she said, "Oh, it must not be true." I fired them as clients and would advise anyone considering working with them to proceed with caution.
It is very good to know that more than one person has experienced problems with this company. I agree - writers should be extremely cautious about working for this company. Thanks to both of you for your comments!
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