It's so pathetic it's funny. In my last post about Nathaniel Hammel and RobinHood Press, I mentioned that "fair use" of copyrighted works usually has to be in the form of criticism, comment, education, etc. Here's his response:
All graphic used on my site are for educational purposes to expand the creativity of the Writer's and Artist's mind, after all my website does allow people to share their stuff through the writer's club for free.
Somehow I don't think I'll be able to explain to this guy that's not what the law meant by "educational purposes."
He also accused me of just wanting to bash him, which is interesting since all I have done is to inform him of copyright law and quote the actual law to him. Equally amusing is what he said in an earlier email:
water off a ducks back. I am a proffessional, and don't need to go back and forth with you.
Maybe he should learn to spell professional before he calls himself one.
And, finally, a threat:
I've talk to my Lawyer, and he will personally write a letter to you telling you that what I said is right. I also have a few Authors and artists who will put a letter together for you to read too.
Well, if his lawyer has the same degree of "proffessionalism" as he does, I'm not too worried about what he'll have to say.
Of course, I maintain my earlier advice: Stay away from RobinHood Press and Nathaniel Hammel, and do everything you can to warn other writers and graphic artists!
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