
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Goals, updates, and a whole lotta rambling

I'm feeling distinctly cranky today. Just a lot of little stuff - my wedding dress not coming back right from the seamstress and having to go "under the knife" again, and not getting started on replacing my car window early enough today - piling up on top of my already-stressed shoulders.

On top of it all, I had a major setback in my bedtime/wake-up time progress. I had woken up at 11am the past few mornings, and all of a sudden - boom - an early Daylight Savings Time hits me, and I'm back to waking up at noon. Grrr.

The good news is, I guess, that I've been able to change my schedule. It's slow work, but the point is that it's working.

I'm also plugging away at the article marketing challenge. I have eight articles, most of which are live, but I've gotten behind this weekend.

Which brings me to my newest goal. I think I've mentioned that being a freelance writer isn't writing for 40 hours every week; there's a lot of job searching, administrative work, and other tasks that reduce the number of billable hours quite a bit. However, with a backlog of work remaining (and my motivation fully returned), it is my goal to clock 40 billable hours in the next week. That doesn't include job searching, personal blogging, etc. - just the time I spend working on paying projects.

I'll post daily on how I'm doing.


Harmony said...

Good luck on your goals!
I like your Visual DNA - I did mine too quick and didn't put in my comments. I want to re-do it now!

Katharine Swan said...

I re-did my Visual DNA a couple of times, because I did it too fast the first time too. Practice makes perfect, though, right? :o)

I'll post an update on my goals soon... I've been so busy doing the work to get there that I haven't had time to blog!!!


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