
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Warm weather wasn't made for working

It is a beautiful day here in Colorado: it's about 70 degrees and all sun-shiny. I washed my car, and when we run our errands later this afternoon, we're going to take her and put the T-tops down. It's been nearly a year since I've run her T-topless, so it will be a momentous occasion.

It's difficult to work on a day like this! I have a couple of projects on my plate for today, but I think I'm going to have to leave them for later. After all, the errand is something we have to do: picking out tuxes and getting Michael's measurements.

On that note, I just have to say... I still can't believe the wedding is in just over a month!!! My mind is racing, trying to think of what we might have overlooked, on top of the stuff we know needs done (but just haven't gotten to yet). I guess this is why there are wedding planners -- so that rich people don't have to worry about stuff like this.

Well, I'm going to try to do a little of the "easy" work (i.e. the stuff I don't have to focus on, so that I can look out the window and smile occasionally), and save the more involved stuff for later this evening.


Kathy@TheFlawlessWord said...

Meanwhile, I'm buried in 8 inches of snow!! Luck you!

Katharine Swan said...

That's how we felt around Christmas... We were snowed in, and it was 70 degrees in New York!

Hopefully your snow will melt soon!


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