
Monday, April 09, 2007

Another meme: My favorite type of writing

Jess over at the JM Writing blog tagged me for a new meme: What's my favorite type of writing?

This is almost too easy to be a meme. :o) My favorite type of writing is... fiction. Of course, now I have to explain why I write so little of it.

Basically, as a writer who has only been freelancing for two years (full time for a year and a half) I have discover that it pays to follow the money, rather than my dreams. Basically, I'm achieving my dreams in steps. The first step was to make it as a writer, which I did when I worked for ten very long months as a technical writer. The second step was to "go freelance," which I did in October of 2005. The next step will be to devote more of my time to writing fiction, but before I do that I need to establish an income that will let me divide my attentions being directly-paying and potentially non-paying pursuits.

So there you have it: Fiction is my favorite kind of writing. And hopefully, someday (soon) I'll be doing more of it.

I'm returning the favor and tagging...

Harmony at Writer in the Making
scriptgirl at the Writer's Confidant Blog
Alicia at WritingSpark.com

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