Interesting title for a meme. Anyway, I've been tagged thanks to The Insane Writer. I was confused by the rules of the post, so I traced it back, and apparently it was originally the Random 8 Meme. I'm returning it to the original rules.
Here goes.
The Rules of this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
8 random facts about me:
1. I have a freckle right underneath my belly button.
2. When I was a kid, I thought everyone had a freckle (just like everyone has a belly button), so that's how I drew people.
3. I had Italian bread and cheese soup for dinner.
4. I read 110 pages of Harry Potter 5 the other night in exactly one hour.
5. Jordana Brewster has the exact same birthday as I do.
6. Michael and I went out for sushi for dinner last night. Yum!
7. Until I was in high school I though "fragrance" was pronounced with a short vowel "a" in the first syllable.
8. I think too hard about things like this to write truly random facts about myself.
I'm tagging:
1. Kathy (I always tag Kathy!)
2. Kristen
3. Amy
4. Alicia
5. Julia
6. Debbie
7. Bryan
8. Lorelei (why not?)
Monday, October 01, 2007
The Random 8 Meme: a.k.a. Tagged with my pants down!
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You're such a considerate tagger. You know, actually letting people know you've tagged them rather than, well, doing a "tag and run" like I did last time, haha.
If it makes you feel any - well, "better" isn't the word, so let me start over. You're in interesting company. Until middle school, I insisted on spelling "friend" as "frEInd," justifying it by saying if someone accidentally left out the "n" the word would become "fried." least yours was an honest mistake ;) haha! I'm just stubborn and thought I could - in middle school - single-handedly change the English language!
Katharine, have you signed up for NaNoWriMo yet? Their web site doesn't load for me. and I haven't received a notification email either :(
BTW, you have book to be published? Congratulations!!! The blog is great! I'll definitely read it~
I think I'm still signed up from last year. I haven't tried visiting the site yet, but it may be a high traffic issue you're experiencing right now. That usually happens the first few days, too, when everyone is logging in constantly.
The Lorelei blog is actually for this year's NaNo novel, so the novel is in the outlining stage at the moment. The blog isn't very far along, either. However, I wanted to get the blog up and started so I could start building interest in the book, and hopefully have some potential readers by the time it is published. I'll update Lorelei's blog soon.
If you leave the "r" out of friend, it's also "fiend." :o)
Re: spelling, I spelled "maybe" "mabie" until sometime near fifth grade when my teacher in the honors English program finally set me straight. It's sad that they'll put you in an honors class but never teach you to spell. I still can't spell. I can write a friggen book, but I can't spell. Go figure.
Anyhow, I finally did mine: 8 Random Facts You Probably Don't Know About Me
Got your tag, Katharine. It will be up tomorrow. Mariella, even on DSL the NaNo site is dragging. I was able to confirm my sign-in info from last year, but that's as far as I got. I ran out of patience waiting to get in to the forums.
Great post, Amy!
As for the NaNoWriMo stuff... I think I'll wait a few days before attempting to log in. ;o)
Kathy and Katharine, I managed to sign-up for NaNo (finally!). I'll look you guys up and add you to my friends' list. But maybe not right now since it takes me about 5 minutes just to load a page.
On another note, I just paid for a host (I used a different one, Katharine) so I'll up my blog real soon. =D
Hey Kathy and Katharine, here's my NaNo profile:
Mariella --
I'll head over there right now and befriend you! :o)
Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that my NaNo name is TheFlawlessWord. Hope to see you on my buddy list shortly!
Thanks, Kathy. Despite slow load times and website bugs, I have succeeded in adding you. Hooray!
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