
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Favorite quotes meme

Shannan Powell has tagged me to participate in a unique new meme. The goal is to share a favorite quote and dedicate it to three other bloggers. Those three then have to do the same with their favorite quotes.

I didn't have a favorite quote in mind, but I knew the Brontë sisters have some great quotes. Since the Brontës are my favorite classics authors, I started my search there, and found my new favorite quote — one I'm sure I've heard, but have since forgotten:

I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.
-Charlotte Brontë

That definitely speaks to the heart of who I am, since writing is not just my career, but also my identity. I have no doubt other writers will agree, so I'm tagging Kathy, Harmony, and Amy. (Yes, I know a couple of you have already been tagged, but think of it this way — at least you already had to do it.)


Shannan Powell said...

Thanks for participating! I love the quote. Think it applies to most of us!

Katharine Swan said...

I agree. Thanks for visiting, Shannan! :o)


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