
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Fourth quarterly estimated tax payment due soon

Freelance writers, don't forget: Your fourth quarterly estimated tax payment is due on January 15, just over a week from now.

The only exception is if you plan to file your 2008 taxes and pay anything you owe in full by January 31.

I'm feeling the pinch this year, because the fourth estimated tax payment comes so close after Christmas. I would love to wait until the end of the month and just file my taxes then, but unfortunately, since my husband and I itemize it's much easier if we file together.

What about you? Do you pay the fourth estimated tax payment by January 15, or do you wait and just file your taxes by January 31?


Kathy@TheFlawlessWord said...

Yeah, I just remembered this was due too. I always pay the fourth installment because I never get around to doing my taxes until April. This year, however, I think I estimated well, so I shouldn't have much of a refund/payment due come tax filing.

Katharine Swan said...

Glad I'm not the only one who remembered rather late. The holidays were hectic for both of us, I think, albeit for completely different reasons.

I think I estimated about right, too, but since Michael and I file together I never quite know how to divvy it up. His employer has a tendency to take out too much, so if I estimated wrong it would be hard to tell.


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