
Saturday, December 05, 2009

New word count meter

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten back to work on my novel since the night NaNoWriMo ended. However, I have found a new word count meter to replace the now-defunct NaNoWriMo widget.

Just in case anyone else is interested in putting a word count meter on their blog the other 11 months out of the year, this is the one I used: another little progress meter

The nice thing about this meter is that it isn't dependent on someone else's website remaining in place, like the last non-NaNo word count meter I used. This one is totally code driven, so if they ever take down their page all you have to do is update the percentages and word count in the code yourself.

Stay tuned for future word count updates!


Kathy@TheFlawlessWord said...

"Unfortunately, I haven't gotten back to work on my novel since the night NaNoWriMo ended." -- We'll have to change that in January with some write-ins!

Katharine Swan said...

Oh yes -- we will!

I'm glad you're back! :o)


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