
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

NaNoWriMo, Day 1 - word count, 2,271

I don't know whether I should consider this the end of Day 1, or the beginning of Day 2, but I'm leaning towards the former.  With any luck, I will wake up at a decent time tomorrow and start working on my novel during the evenings, and maybe even will update before midnight (gasp!).

That's my goal, anyway.  I don't like making up my word count after midnight, because even though it's still Day 1 to me, technically it puts me a day behind.  I need to be able to get to 50,000 words before midnight on Day 30!

Anyway, I did manage to make some time to work on my novel tonight, even though I was beginning to think I wouldn't be able to — I spent too much time today updating my blogs and doing other administrative tasks, and still had client work to finish up before I could put on my fiction hat.

I added 1,282 words to my novel tonight, for a grand total so far of 2,271.  I will need to add about a thousand words tomorrow (before midnight!) if I want to stay on track, more if I want to get ahead (which I do).

How about the rest of you?  Was your first day successful?

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