
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Just a quick note to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season!  I spent the morning at the barn, giving the horses a holiday treat, and this afternoon we're having homemade brunch and watching The Princess Bride.  I might even get some writing or reading in before we go out for sushi this morning -- our new Christmas tradition, which we started last year!

Happy holidays, everyone, and may it be the holiday you want -- whether that is a busy one filled with family, friends, and festivities, or a quiet one like ours!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Nearing the end of 2013

My weekly goals check for 2013 has fizzled out, I am afraid.  Being a bit burned out after November, I sadly haven't written much lately, so I haven't completed my NaNoWriMo novel, let alone gotten back to revisions on my novel series.  I never did get around to updating my blogs and websites, let alone my other writing projects, and I am still stuck on the first novel I tried reading from my 2013 reading list.  Even my horses haven't gotten a lot of attention lately (partly thanks to NaNo, partly thanks to getting sick almost as soon as it was over, and partly thanks to the deep freeze Denver experienced after November ended).

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

NaNoWriMo in review

I took a break from my goals posts during November for the sake of doing NaNoWriMo -- and it was a good month!  I met my goal, even though I got a little behind and had to do a big day of catchup at the end.


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