I've been pretty sick the last few days. It came on slowly, but it was so bad when I woke up Sunday morning that I ended up going back to bed and sleeping for most of the day. I have a severely sore throat, swollen lymph glands in my neck, and a low fever, so it's nothing to sneeze at (haha), either.
Being busy and tired by turns over the weekend meant that I didn't get some of the things done I had wanted to, so many of the tasks on my to-do list carried over into this week. I did, however, start working again on the timeline for my NaNo 2013 novel. I had started the timeline using Aeon software back in December, but then I stopped work on it and let the trail go cold. It was somewhat frustrating last night trying to pick up where I'd left off, and I finally determined that I would have to spend some time skimming what I've written so far in order to refresh my memory on what I've written and where I was planning to go from there.
I'm working on the timeline now because I plan on finishing that novel in April, using Camp NaNoWriMo as incentive. I have to figure out about how much I have left to write (or rewrite -- there are a few scenes I plan to overhaul), and then I will set my word count goal accordingly. That's one of the things I like about using camp sessions to finish projects or edit -- the word count goal is flexible and can be set as low as 10,000 words.
I felt a lot better yesterday than I had on Sunday, but I was only somewhat productive, partly because I slept late (and I assume I needed the sleep) and partly because I also had a busy day. I'm feeling about the same today -- still sick but not as out of it as I had been on Sunday -- but I don't have quite as busy a day, so hopefully I'll be able to get a little more done!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
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