
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Let it snow!

I'm sure people in many parts of the country are sick of snow, and I certainly would normally prefer a return to our heat wave back from a few weeks ago.  Temperatures in the 60s and low 70s were definitely preferable to all this snow we're getting now.  After dumping on us over the weekend, we had one nice day (yesterday, in the 40s) and now it's starting to snow again, with snow and highs in the teens and 20s predicted through the weekend.

The bright side to all the snow, though, is that it gives me more time to catch up on my freelance work.  (I'm almost caught up from last week, but not quite there yet.)  When it was nice out, I was riding more, of course -- but that also means more work, since I nice weather means taking V. to the barn on the weekend to ride.  It doesn't look like there will be any of that this weekend.

It also doesn't sound like we'll be snowed in, per se, but we certainly will be getting an awful lot of snow over the next few days.  It sounds like a couple inches this afternoon, a few more overnight, and a couple more tomorrow.  It's supposed to snow on and off through the weekend, too, with not much word yet on how much we'll be getting.

My mom's birthday is Saturday, so I'll definitely have plans then, and I doubt there will be enough snow to cancel babysitting on Sunday, so I still have plans for the weekend, but the snow will almost certainly make me less busy than I would have been otherwise!

Which means, above all, time to work on freelance stuff -- and maybe even my own writing, if I have a chance to get to it!

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