
Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Back to life as normal

I'm back on my fall schedule, as of yesterday.

Yesterday was lovely.  I stayed home until it was time to pick up the kids from school.  I got caught up on dishes, cleaned up my kitchen, did laundry, and -- of course -- worked on freelance work.  After a couple hours with the kids in the afternoon, I ate dinner at home, and then headed out to the barn to do chores.  It did mean a late evening, but since it was a fairly relaxing morning, that was okay.

Today will be a little different.

I've been home and working on client work this morning, but soon I'll have to head out to run errands and check up on A., the disabled single dad I help out -- he was recently diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's, so my duties for him have increased somewhat.  Today should be easy enough, though, as most of what I need to do consists of refilling the pill dispenser, going shopping, and tidying up a little.

I think this will be a nice routine for the time being: working from home until I either have to head over to A.'s, or to the school to pick up the kids, and doing the barn chores in the evening after dinner.  In a few weeks, though, it'll be getting dark early enough that I'll have to switch and start doing chores during the day, at which point I'll probably start going to A.'s in the evenings after leaving the kids' house (their house is between his and mine).

Today is only the second day of my fall routine, of course, but already I feel more productive with both client work and housework.  There was a lot that was overlooked over the summer, especially during those extra-busy last few weeks.  Now, however, I have an exciting fall to look forward to: The Muse Online Writers Conference in October, and NaNoWriMo in November.

Speaking of which, I have some big news for fall, so check back soon!

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