
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 52: Moving Forward

The holiday week has been a blur, and as a result I didn't get this posted on Monday, but it's been very much on my mind.

This year has seen a lot of changes.  Last year I lost my last freelance client when the platform I was writing for started paying late; I demanded payment and got paid, but that was the end of my relationship with them.  At the time I was feeling very burnt out on freelancing, so I took it as a sign to spend some time on my own projects.

Ever since, I have been focusing on two main things: working on my doll business, and working on writing projects that I hope to eventually self-publish.  Splitting my attention between the two has perhaps meant that not as much got done on either, though.  And I feel like I haven't been taking either goal as seriously as I should have been.

Then Izzy got sick, and that was all I could think about.

Now that Izzy is gone and I have more time to work, I've been thinking about what I want to spend that time on.  And I realized I want to be more focused on both goals than I have been, but especially on the goal of publishing my work.

This will be the last weekly post of 2024, even though there's still another partial week left.  I feel like it's been a boring year of posts, but at the same time, it has helped me more than I expected.  Now, at the end of the year, I'm realizing how much I get dragged into the minutia of every week.  In 2025, I want to be more focused on the big picture.

More on that to come!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 51: Grieving

I'm not expecting too much of myself right now.  Izzy passed away Wednesday morning last week, so I took the rest of the week to grieve and recover.  As a result, I didn't accomplish all of my goals for the week.

It's easier now, but I still don't feel back to normal.  My motivation is completely shot.

We've done a few things we hadn't been able to in the last couple of months while we were taking care of Izzy, like going to a movie, or having a drink in the evening.  (We didn't dare drink much while we were taking care of Izzy because we had to feed her late at night, and we couldn't afford to be tipsy while feeding her.)  It's been nice, but also sad, because I never wanted those things enough that I would have chosen to lose her.

The one thing I have been more or less successful at is writing nearly every day.  In some ways it's become my retreat from reality.

I'm going to still go easy on myself, but I'm also going to try to start getting back into a schedule again.

  1. Write every day
  2. Get caught up on cleaning

I don't think I'm going to try to accomplish more than that.  I think that's enough.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

In Memory of Izzy

My cat Izzy, whom I've been taking care of for the last couple months, died suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday morning.  She'd been at the vet the previous afternoon, where we found her kidney values had remained fairly stable since her last visit three weeks previous.  The vet was having us change up some medications to help keep her more comfortable, and overall, she seemed to be doing better than she had over the weekend.  She was fine yesterday morning a little after 6am after I gave her fluids, and at 8:30am Zac found her gasping for breath.  He woke me up and I made it in time for her to die in my lap.

I don't think I'll be very productive for the rest of the week.

Next week I'm going to try to return to my old schedule and try to get some things done.  After I deleted all of Izzy's feedings, fluids, and other meds reminders from my calendar, I realized how much time I spent taking care of her.  I'll have a lot more time now, not to mention a lot more sleep.

Not that I ever second guessed giving up all of that to take care of her.

Izzy was such an integral part of our lives, it's hard to imagine what life will be like without her in it.  I brought her home just over 12 years ago; she'd been dumped at the barn with another littermate.  After her sibling was stepped on by a horse and had to be put to sleep (I took him to the vet to see if he could be saved), I decided I was not going to watch another kitten die.  I trapped Izzy and took her home.

She was a feisty little thing from the very beginning.  I don't know if it was "tortitude" (she was a tortie tabby), or the fact that she'd spent three formative weeks of her kittenhood at the barn, but she was a troublemaker.  She broke a lot of things that I cared about, chased my old lady kitty, and attacked our feet under the bedsheets until she was a good four years old.  She also absolutely adored our other young cat, Ivan, who was three when we brought her home.  I nearly lost them both when I separated from my husband in 2014, but ultimately he decided he didn't want the cats (I think he'd been using them to try to make me come back), and I got them back in late 2015, a year and a half after I'd left.

It will always make me sad that Ivan never came around to Izzy after she came back from the hospital.  He'd always hissed at her when she came back from the vet, and it would take him days to be willing to snuggle again.  She loved him all of her life, and would often sleep with him or go to him for snuggles and grooming, and I know she wanted that so much when she came back from the hospital.  The closest they got was about a month ago, when he let her sleep on the couch near him for a little while (she kept inching closer, and was right next to him by the time he got fed up and left), and about a week before she died, when he looked in the bathroom at her (he might have been wanting to steal her food, but it was the closest he'd come to her without hissing in a long time).

I'm glad though that we were able to be with her when she died.  She took her last breath in my lap.  I am grateful that she died knowing she was home and we were there.

I'm going to take the rest of the week easy.  There will be plenty of time to get back to a schedule next week.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 50: The Cost of Caregiving

Last week definitely didn't go as I thought it would.  I was hoping to catch up on housecleaning and get back to work on organization projects and doll projects, but instead we ended up just doing the bare minimum of things to survive.  Izzy also took a turn for the worse later in the week, ramping up our stress as well as the amount of time we spent caring for her.

Today I've been thinking a lot about the cost of caregiving.  It claims a substantial chunk of your time to take care of an animal (or person), and the result ends up feeling like you're simply transferring some of your energy and health to them.  It's exhausting, physically and emotionally, to take care of them, plus the stress itself is exhausting as well.

Take today, for example.  I'm squeezing this blog post in between giving Izzy fluids and feeding her again.  Everything has been taking so long that there has been less time between Izzy-things to address me-things.

Somehow, in all of that, I've managed to work on my new novel almost every day.  I'm still in the planning stage but I think I'm about ready to start writing.  I'm not a big planner, so I'm just sketching out the basics such as main plot points and character information, and the rest will get filled in as I write.  This is more of the way I usually do things, unlike Amnesia, which I started with only an opening scene in mind and absolutely no idea of where I wanted to take it.

As for this week, I'm expecting poor productivity, just overall.  We have Izzy's vet appointment tomorrow, and I'm afraid we won't be getting good news, in which case I won't feel like doing much else.  I also have plans to ride Friday midday and babysit Friday evening.

I have my usual calendar mess of goals, but in general, this is what I want to accomplish this week:

  1. Work on my new novel almost every day
  2. Clean something
  3. Organize something
  4. Work on a doll

You'll notice my goals aren't super complex this week.  I don't care what I clean, as long as I do something.  I don't care what I organize, as long as I make some progress, somewhere.  I don't care how much work I do on a doll, as long as it's something.

I feel like lower standards for yourself are another thing that tends to happen when you're focusing on caregiving.

Wish me luck.  I have a feeling it's going to be a hard week.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 49: On to the Next Thing

It was a whirlwind ending, but NaNoWriMo FauxNoWriMo, our November novel writing challenge, is over.

I did not make it to 50,000 words in the month, but I knew I would not.  Early on in the month, in fact, I gave myself permission to fail, since I knew I would be spending a lot of my time taking care of Izzy.  My goal was to write every day, and while I didn't entirely succeed, I also was able to maintain a habit of writing at least five days a week throughout the month.

Perhaps even more importantly, I finished the novel I was working on, the sequel to Amnesia (that still does not have its own name).  The ending is flat and I know the novel (well, the entire story arc) needs a lot of replotting, rewriting, and fine tuning, but the first draft is done.

Without wasting any time, I'm moving on to my next project, an idea I had a week or so ago.  I'll work on this for a bit, maybe even finish it, and then go back to Amnesia to try and fix it.

I discovered TrackBear has a public profile feature that compiles my writing projects and statistics.  I've turned that on and you can see my FauxNoWriMo progress there, as well as my writing challenge for December: to write almost every day (or, in terms that I could quantify for a challenge, to update at least every two days).  I've also included my most recent project, Amnesia, as well as the new one I'm working on, The Year of the Horse.

Now that NaNoWriMo FauxNoWriMo is over, I'm going to try to get back to a schedule of getting things done.  It'll still be rather limited by Izzy needing something every few hours, but I'm going to see what I can accomplish around her care.  Last week didn't produce the results I wanted, but that was in the demanding last week of November, so hopefully this week will be more productive.

My goals for the week are, therefore:

  1. Keep writing nearly every day
  2. Clean up and organize in the kitchen and doll spaces
  3. Get back to work on doll stuff

I have a bunch of doll projects that were put off when Izzy got sick and then again when November started, but now that that's over, I want to try to knock some of those out before the holidays.  Plus there is a lot of cleaning that hasn't been getting done while Izzy's been sick, in addition to the ongoing organization projects I was already working on, so I want to make some progress on that as well.  It doesn't have to be a lot; I'll settle for small amounts of progress, here and there.

Incidentally, one way I know I've been slowly settling into a schedule is the fact that I'm reading again.  For a long time after Izzy got sick, I was barely able to read (or eat, for that matter).  Finding time to read again has made me feel like my life is getting back to some sense of normalcy.

I am hopeful that the other areas of my life will follow suit.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 48: Giving Thanks

This week is already shaping up to be a doozy.  My husband is furloughed all week due to the holiday, so we'll have some time to hopefully work on some things around the house (neglected cleaning and organization while Izzy has been sick) as well as wrapping up NaNoWriMo FauxNoWriMo.  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be nuts as we have three big days of events in a row: my favorite event, the annual museum write-in, a final push write-in on Saturday, and the Thank Goodness It's Over party on Sunday.  Plus we'll have family obligations for the holiday week as well, so it's sure to be busy!

Last week... well, I'm still not sure where last week went, but I made it so yay!  I managed to write five days out of seven, which isn't every day but is still pretty close.  Other than that, I feel like I didn't accomplish a ton, but I survived it and Izzy did too, so that's what matters.

This week is going to be a little more chaotic, unfortunately, what with the holidays.  I also want to try to get some things done while my husband has a few days off, so I have plans: to clean and organize, to get some shelves up, and that kind of thing.  Small projects, and just a few, but ones that have been waiting for a while.

So my goals are a little more complex this week, but not much:

  1. Write every day
  2. Run the last week of FauxNoWriMo
  3. Clean the kitchen
  4. Mount shelves
  5. Organize my doll trunks

Hopefully my husband being of work will help free up some time to get things done, because this looks like a scary list considering how little I've been able to manage thus far!  I'm also hoping that Izzy starting to eat more on her own the last few days will result in a lighter workload for us, but that still remains to be seen.

Despite the difficulties, it seems important to note in my Thanksgiving week post how truly thankful we are that Izzy is still with us.  She still has a long road ahead of her, if she's even able to fully recover, but we are grateful for every additional day we have with her.  A month and a half ago, we didn't know if we were going to get any more time with her at all, so the fact that she's still with us truly is a gift!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 47: Still in Survival Mode

The last week has been a blur, busy and stressful.  True to my survival mode goals last week, I focused mainly on writing and keeping up on NaNoWriMo FauxNoWriMo.  I managed to write six out of seven days last week, including three days where I didn't have a write-in to keep me going.  In fact, the only day I didn't write was Friday, and that was mostly due to our entire day getting hijacked by an emergency vet visit for Izzy.

This week will be similar as far as goals go.  Taking care of Izzy takes up so much of my time that I don't have a lot left to spare, so I'll focus what I have on writing.  For now that will have to do.

  1. Keep working on my novel
  2. Keep running FauxNoWriMo

I feel like I'm starting to finally adapt to my new schedule.  I have been running myself ragged, going to bed early and then getting up in the middle of the night to give Izzy fluids.  It was getting harder and harder to get up in the middle of the night, so last night I finally drank some late-night coffee to keep myself up so that I could get uninterrupted sleep afterward.

It's still stressful, but I'm hoping I can settle in to the schedule a little better so that it doesn't feel quite so hard.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

November Writing Month Check-In

In the past few weeks, I've heard all kinds of creative alternatives to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) that are popping up.  Many former Municipal Liaisons are distancing their regions from the original organization after the scandals of the past year or two.  I've heard it called NoNoWriMo (presumably November Novel Writing Month, although "No No" is spot on too), TNT (That November Thing), and of course, our region is calling it FauxNoWriMo.

The point is, NaNoWriMo has become a movement that goes beyond the parent organization.  You can take the MLs out of NaNoWriMo, but you can't take NaNoWriMo out of the MLs or the wrimos!  We're all still writing and doing our own things.

The month has been tough for me due to my cat's illness.  Her care has been demanding and the cost has been high, prompting us to start a GoFundMeow in the hopes of getting a little money toward the ongoing expenses.  (Donations and especially shares are appreciated, thank you!)  I've been so stressed out that I've had a hard time eating, plus I've been pretty sleep deprived from staying up until 3am and 4am to give her water in the wee hours of the morning.  And, of course, I haven't had a lot of time to work on much else, so I'm way behind in writing.  I'm only at 9,830 words so far this month, when usually I'd be at around 20,000 words by this point in November.

I'm still plugging away, though, and considering everything that's been going on, I've given myself permission not to make 50,000 words.  It's more important to me that I write every day as much as possible.  I did miss several days early on in the month, but currently I've written six days in a row, and I hope to keep the streak going.  Even if I only get a couple hundred words written on any given day, it's still progress.  I feel like finding time to write at all right now should be celebrated!

I hope everyone else's November writing project is going well too.  If anyone has lost communication with their region and is missing the feeling of community, please feel free to visit FauxNoWriMo.com, sign up for our mailing list, and check out our calendar of events.  Most of our events are in the Denver area, but we do have some virtual write-ins, and we welcome all writers!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 46: Survival Mode

I can't believe it's already Monday again.  Last week was a blur.  We got a major snowstorm from Tuesday night into Friday night or early Saturday morning, so we really didn't go much of anywhere (other than to the barn to run chores, and a few local errands) during that time.

The snowstorm meant that most of our write-ins for the week ended up canceled, but I still did end up getting some writing done, mostly thanks to writing sprints on our region's Discord server.  We also had an easy day on Saturday, so I spent much of the day working on my novel.

I'm also mostly staying on top of the demands of running our region for NaNoWriMo FauxNoWriMo.  I sent out our email blast for the week and posted it to social media last Monday, and then ended up sending other messages out canceling write-ins due to the snow.  This week I do need to resume my search for a local venue that might host us on Saturday, November 30th for an extended, last-day write-in.

We're still taking care of Izzy, and while she's been doing better (and we put off any appointments during the snowstorm), the demands of her care mean that I'm still in survival mode.  With so much to manage, I'm trying to minimize what else I'm doing so I can focus on taking care of Izzy.  Therefore my goals for the week are again pretty brief and focusing mostly on the things that I either can't or don't want to sacrifice.

  1. Keep working on my novel
  2. Keep running FauxNoWriMo

I'm trying to work on my novel as close to every day as possible, even if it's not much.  I missed a bunch of days earlier in the month, but I've managed to work on it the past four days in a row.  The first day of the streak, I only got 164 words written before I tapped out, but the days since have been more productive.  I would rather write even 30 words than not write at all, though.

As for FauxNoWriMo, the main things I have to do are to write the weekly communications (there are three of us running the show, but I volunteered to take that on), and to run my write-ins (Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening, and Sunday afternoon).  I didn't go to the Tuesday one last week because of Izzy, and the Wednesday one was canceled due to the snow, so last week was a little light.  This week will be more a little more demanding in that respect, especially when you add in the write-in on Friday that I want to go to (not mine, although I'll be covering it next week).

I'm hoping Izzy continues to do well and the week itself goes well too.  I'm not sure I can handle having anything more on my plate right now.

Monday, November 04, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 45: On the Struggle Bus

This week I'm feeling the weight of everything.  Taking care of my cat and NaNoWriMo the November writing challenge combined are almost too much to manage, leaving no hope for cleaning my house or getting caught up on doll work.  Last week was so hectic I didn't even get a chance to write my weekly goals post until Friday.

Other than Izzy's demanding schedule of care, I'm keeping my goals pretty minimal to avoid adding to the overall feeling of overwhelm.

  1. Work on my novel
  2. Keep up on the demands of FauxNoWriMo

FauxNoWriMo should need too much maintenance from here on out, just a weekly email and maybe some last-minute organizing to get a final push write-in in place for Saturday, November 30th.  Since that day falls on a Saturday, we're thinking it would be a good opportunity for an extra-long write-in to help anyone who needs a big push that day to finish.

I'm really hoping that Izzy starts to improve so that her care will begin to be a little less demanding, but if that point comes, it'll probably still be at least a week or two out.

Friday, November 01, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 44: Ramping Up

This has been such a crazy week that I'm only now finally blogging about my goals for the week, and the week is basically over!

Part of the reason everything has been so crazy is that I realized over the weekend that November was nearly here.  While our region is distancing ourselves from NaNoWriMo, we are still planning on carrying on as usual with writing and events.  I had done a bunch of planning last month and early this month before Izzy got sick, which turned out to be a blessing, because once my cat got sick, everything else fell by the wayside.  I tried to get caught up on planning last week, but November was coming up too quickly and we weren't doing enough promotion, which I didn't realize until late Sunday evening.

So most of my work time this week ended up being focused on getting ready for NaNoWriMo - or FauxNoWriMo, as we're calling it.  I put together an eleventh hour email and social media blast on Monday providing all of the kickoff party details, worked pretty much all week on getting the last of the planning done, and wrote a week one blast to go out yesterday, reminding everyone of the kickoff party and listing the write-ins for the rest of the week.

I also babysat Monday through Wednesday, and yesterday took Izzy to the vet for a follow up.  She ended up being unexpectedly hospitalized overnight.  We were up late for the kickoff party, of course, and then up early this morning to talk to the vet.  Izzy is coming home this evening (we're on our way to pick her up now) and then it's back to planning our lives around her schedule of feedings, water, and meds.

I'm definitely feeling it all wearing on me.  I'm sleep deprived from staying up until 3am and later to take care of Izzy, then waking up early (for me) the next morning to do it all again.  Being up super late last night too for the kickoff party did not help.  Plus there's the stress: emotional, financial, and the weight of the to-do list I no longer have time for hanging over all of it.

Enter November writing month.

I think, between Izzy and writing this month, there's a lot else I won't be able to accomplish.  I am solidly stuck in survival mode, just like I was when my horse was sick two years ago.

With all of that in mind, I'm not going to overload myself with goals just at the moment.  With only this weekend left before next week starts it all again, I have only two goals right now:

  1. Get Izzy's GoFundMe up
  2. Work on my novel every day

It may prove to be too difficult with the demands of Izzy's care, but I'm going to try to keep up on writing during November.  I may not be able to sustain 1,667 words per day right now, but I'd like to at least work on it every day, even if it's a smaller amount.

But most importantly, I need to get Izzy's GoFundMe up.  We've nearly exhausted our resources, and with her having come so far, we can't give up now.  We just need a little help getting her the rest of the way.

Heavy stuff.  You can see why I'm stressed, not just with the amount of care, but with the financial responsibilities as well!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

How to Prep for NaNoWriMo (or Writing in November)

NaNoWriMo may start in November, but for those of us who organize for our regions, the work starts way ahead of November 1st.  There is lots of organizing to do, sometimes as far back as September to get our venues and events lined up.

Even though we're not officially Municipal Liaisons this year, my (unofficial) co-MLs and I are still organizing as usual, so we've been busy setting everything up.  In some ways maybe we're even busier this year than normal, as we've been trying to figure out how to address NaNoWriMo's AI stance, distance ourselves from HQ, and find NaNoWriMo alternatives for our region.

But even if you're not a local organizer, October can be a good chance to prep for writing in November.  Not everyone is a plotter, of course, but plotting and worldbuilding aren't the only things you can do to get ready.  Here are a few things I find helpful to do before November starts.

  • Clean your home.  Seriously!  You likely won't have time in November with all the extra writing and events.  Doing a good deep clean now will make you feel less guilty in November.  Unless you get writer's block, of course.  Then you might be motivated to clean.
  • Plan ahead.  If you're planning to go to a lot of write-ins and events, start getting those up on your calendar.  Active regions should be posting their events in the next few days or week.  And if you don't see any you'd like to attend, create your own!  You can submit your own events on the NaNoWriMo site so that others know when and where you'll be writing.
  • Carve out time to write.  Even if you don't go to the events, take a good look at your schedule and figure out when will be the best times for you to write.  Are you the early morning, before everyone else wakes up kind of writer?  Do you write on your lunch break?  Or are you the type that likes to write at the end of the day, when you're winding down?
  • Make a budget.  If you'll be going to a lot of write-ins, don't forget to budget for the added expense of all those extra coffees, pastries, meals, and gas!  It adds up quickly.  If you're on a tight budget, be sure to look for write-ins at libraries and other venues where you won't be tempted to spend money.
  • Warn your friends and family.  No matter how many years you've done NaNoWriMo, it never hurts to remind the people in your life that you'll be less available for the month of November.  Set the expectation now and you'll make it easier to decline social invitations and extra work for the next 30 days.

Of course, this post is coming a bit later than I had planned, thanks to my cat's illness taking a lot of my time.  Prepping should actually start earlier in the month, especially if you do like to outline and worldbuild ahead of November.  But it's not too late!  You have this weekend and most of next week to get ready to write in November.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

More NaNoWriMo Alternatives: Word Count Trackers

In the last month and a half, I've written extensively about my disillusionment with NaNoWriMo's AI stance, NaNoWriMo alternatives for those who want to continue doing the challenge without supporting the organization, and my region's plans to distance ourselves from HQ and preserve the local writing community.

I've since discovered other NaNoWriMo alternatives for tracking your novel word counts, in November and beyond.  One even enables you to import your past NaNoWriMo projects so you don't lose that data!  Here are my thoughts so far about WriteTrack, TrackBear, and Pacemaker.  I've been using WriteTrack and TrackBear and find them both to be excellent platforms, each with a different set of features; I wish I could combine the two!  Pacemaker sort of combines the best of both, but only in the paid Pro subscription, which is spendy.  And only TrackBear enables you to import your past NaNo projects.

Here are my thoughts on the pros and cons each platform offers:


WriteTrack is the first tracker I found, and the one I mentioned in my previous post about NaNoWriMo alternatives.  It's a free tracker with a somewhat dated user interface, but don't let that fool you, as it offers some exceptional tools.


  • Has a color-coded calendar view that is easy to decipher at a glance
  • Shows your progress on a status bar and a bar graph
  • Gives you the ability to weight days individually, in case you have more or less time to write on certain days, rather than having the same goal for every day
  • Provides a live Google Calendar integration that enables you to add your goal word count (and words written for past days) to your Google Calendar
  • Has basic social features such as chat rooms and the ability to "friend" people
  • Enables you to share your progress bar with a link; friends can view your calendar


  • Has a clunky UI and graphics
  • Embeddable progress bar widget doesn't seem to work


TrackBear is another free platform, but this one looks and feels much more sophisticated than WriteTrack, and it even enables you to bring over your project data from your NaNoWriMo account!  Still, there are features that WriteTrack offers that I will miss if I switch to using TrackBear exclusively.


  • Has a more modern user interface
  • Uses line graphs and heat maps to show progress as well as overall writing habits
  • Differentiates between projects (i.e., your novel) and goals (e.g., 50k in November), which is useful if you have a longer term project that you routinely set goals for, or if you want to count words from multiple projects during November
  • Enables tracking of things other than words (pages, time, etc.), perfect for those who want to edit or handwrite during November
  • Offers a leaderboard feature where you can invite other users to a challenge, which could be used to create a sense of "writing together" for a region or writing group during November
  • Enables you to import past NaNoWriMo projects - which is awesome if you're considering deleting your account, so you don't lose all that data


  • Lacks calendar view, Google Calendar features, and ability to assign weights to different days
  • Does not offer a way to share progress other than leaderboards, which require an account to join and view


While I was planning this blog post I discovered another option, Pacemaker, which looks at first glance like an ideal combination of WriteTrack and TrackBear.  Unfortunately, the free version lacks a lot of the features of the free platforms already mentioned above.  Pro is pricey at $8 per month, and it appears you'll lose past project data if you ever drop your subscription.


  • Combines the more modern look and feel of TrackBear with the calendar views, calendar integration, and weighted days of WriteTrack
  • Enables project checklists, basically to-do lists for your novel and goals that are tracked alongside your word count goals
  • Offers the ability to share your work in both calendar form and widgets
  • Supports large group challenges


  • Free subscription limits you to two free projects (additional are available at $5 each) and requires you to delete finished projects
  • Calendar integration requires a downloaded, static file, so it won't update daily goals automatically based on past days' word counts
  • Past projects will be lost if you ever drop your subscription, since the free level doesn't allow archiving
  • Does not import past NaNoWriMo data

The Ideal Work Count Tracker

My current plan is to use both WriteTrack and TrackBear for a couple of months, especially during November, to see which I prefer... and to determine whether using both together is workable long term.  Overall I'm leaning more toward TrackBear: I like that I was able to import my NaNoWriMo data, I like the sophisticated UI and graphs, and I like the fact that I can track both overall projects and shorter term goals.

I have no intention of using Pacemaker, as the free level is all but useless and the subscription only offers slightly more than the other two (free) platforms.  The goal of the free level is rather transparently geared toward driving paid subscriptions, which you're then locked into if you don't want to lose your past project data.

Of course, none of these solutions perfectly fit what I want.  My ideal word count tracker would have a combination of features from these three platforms:

  • All the features of TrackBear, including the ability to import past NaNoWriMo projects and differentiation between projects and goals
  • The calendar view and weighted days of WriteTrack and Pacemaker
  • The ability to share a progress bar as in WriteTrack (if it worked correctly), and a link to the calendar view as in Pacemaker
  • Low cost

It's not that I mind paying for something that is worthwhile, and actually I plan on donating to whatever I settle on using, both in November and long term.  But I can't afford subscriptions for everything in my life, and $8 a month is steep for a platform that doesn't fully meet my needs.  Maybe if Pacemaker ticked all the boxes and allowed you to keep archived projects with the free level, I'd consider it.  As things stand, TrackBear seems to offer the most features and the best UI for the cost of $0, and if they added a calendar view and sharing options they'd be nearly perfect.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 43: Survived!

Last week was a really tough one, but we got through it and it turned out better than expected.  With Izzy hospitalized I didn't make any weekly goals, just focused on managing that situation.  Thankfully, she turned the corner early in the week and has been steadily recovering, so they discharged her Friday evening.

Izzy's care at home is demanding but not unsustainable, and it does mean that I'm home now instead of all the driving I was doing to visit Izzy every day.  So I'm planning on gradually getting back to normal and start getting things done again.

It's good timing, because November is almost here.  Even though my fellow (former) MLs and I have serious reservations about continuing with the organization after the AI debacle, to the point that we've decided to distance ourselves from NaNoWriMo and utilize alternatives to NaNoWriMo to run our region, I will still be working on my novel and running a myriad of write-ins and events in November.

Bearing in mind that I am still spending a lot of time taking care of Izzy right now, here are my goals for the week:

  1. Get back to writing every day
  2. Work on November prep
  3. Start getting back to work on dolls, content, and organization

A few notes about my goals.  First of all, you probably noticed the phrasing of "getting back."  Yes, I fell off the wagon and have barely written at all during Izzy's hospitalization.  So getting back to writing every day is my first and most important goal.

Second and only marginally less important is to work on NaNoWriMo prep.  There's a lot still to do, and we have only 10 days at this point.  Yikes!

Third and much less important, therefore more vague, is the need to get back on track with my other goals.  I intend to work on that as the week goes on and I am hopefully able to get back on track with the writing and November prep.

Here's hoping this week will go well and I'll be able to start getting back on track!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 42: Survival Mode

I wrote in a post over the weekend about my cat, Izzy, being hospitalized, and that everything else in my life was essentially on hold.  As a result, I didn't make much progress with my goals for last week, and I'm okay with that.  Some things are just more important than others.

Right now we have a lot of unknowns.  Izzy is getting better, but we don't know when she'll be released.  She has another dialysis scheduled for Tuesday, so she has at least a few more days in the hospital, which means at least a few more days of driving to Boulder to visit her twice a day.  It's grueling, but I don't mind doing it.

Unfortunately, I do have a busy weekend planned, so once we find out when she'll be discharged we may need to figure out how we'll take care of her in between plans.  I'm expecting her to need a lot of care at first.

With all of this going on, I'm not making any goals for the week.  I need to get through the week and regroup once Izzy has been released, and then I'll work on getting back into a habit of making and meeting goals.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Cat, Interrupted

I did it again.  On Monday's weekly goals post, I said:

This week is already looking a little gnarly on the schedule, but I don't think it'll be as bad as last week.  Hopefully fewer surprises, anyway, and a more relaxed weekend once I make it there.

Spoiler alert: There have been lots of surprises, and the weekend is anything but relaxing.

On Monday our cat Izzy, whom we'd been following around all weekend with food, refused to eat at all.  We got her into the vet and it was determined that her kidney disease, diagnosed four weeks ago, was out of control.  We took her right to an emergency vet service.

She was put on IV fluids and still struggled, plus she has a complicated medical history and a number of current issues, so on Wednesday we were transferred to a different facility with a nephrology department.  This one was almost an hour away instead of five minutes away, so I've spent the rest of the week driving to Boulder twice a day every day.

Still she has continued to decline, so they decided to put her on dialysis.  Her first treatment was last night, and it helped a lot, but it also cost her some blood when she was already anemic.  She badly needed a transfusion, but it turned out she is type B, which is very rare for cats.  The clinic managed to find the only available type B blood in the state at CSU in Fort Collins, so we took her there today for a transfusion that will hopefully help her to heal.

And that's been my week: worrying, driving, visiting, and raising money to help my poor kitty.

For right now, I have no goals, other than surviving and doing the best I can for Izzy.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 41: Jinx

Remember when I said last week that it would be an easier week?  Remember that?

Last week was another rough week, but this week should be better.


Sound familiar?

I think it's true this time though.  I do have a few things scheduled this week, but it's considerably less demanding-looking on my calendar than last week was.

Yeeeah.  I totally jinxed myself.  I'd forgotten about an appointment on Friday and ended up getting last-minute work on Thursday and Saturday.  In the end I clocked even more hours than I did two weeks ago, my "busy" week.

That's not to say that it was a bad thing.  I have been self-employed for long enough that I have a strong "work when the work is available" outlook, so the work wasn't unwanted.  But it did displace other things that I had planned to do, and the overwork took a toll on me psychologically.

I still managed to write most days, took photos, and posted content, though not as much of the latter two as I had planned.  I did not work on any dolls, unfortunately, and you could probably say I did negative organization, as I made some things worse.

This week is already looking a little gnarly on the schedule, but I don't think it'll be as bad as last week.  Hopefully fewer surprises, anyway, and a more relaxed weekend once I make it there.

My goals for the week are much the same as the last couple weeks:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Take doll photos & post content
  4. Work on organization

Although, really, my goal this week is just to survive it.

November writing month is quickly coming up and while my region is planning on distancing itself from NaNoWriMo HQ, we're still planning on conducting our month the same way.  In other words, my life is less than a month away from maximum busyness.

I'm just doing my best to hang in there...

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Is NaNoWriMo's Countdown Tone Deaf?

A week or so ago, many of us (now former) Municipal Liaisons noticed that NaNoWriMo had a countdown to November up on their website.  I screencapped this a couple of days ago, so the countdown is not up to date for today.

Is it just me, or is this completely tone deaf?  There has been a massive outcry in the community against NaNoWriMo's AI statements, and many of us have been exploring alternatives to NaNoWriMo in the weeks since.  And yet, with no mention of any of that, they throw a countdown up on the website.

Today, finally, NaNo HQ addressed the issue with an email blast to the entire community.  It was, as all the statements posted online have been, a bunch of pandering and gaslighting.

This ignores completely that the major difference between this statement and last year's statement is that last year's statement on AI clearly (and accurately) points out that using generative AI to write your entire novel "would defeat the purpose of the challenge."

Then there was the claim that they've overhauled the volunteer system to bring it into compliance:

I guess technically cutting loose your ~800 volunteers does bring the program into compliance, because now there are no volunteers to comply with any legal restrictions.  But at that point you don't actually have ~800 volunteers anymore.

As far as I know, not a single ML has actually been restored as of yet, and it's unlikely to happen in the next month.  There's significant speculation within the community that NaNoWriMo is trying things out without the MLs this year to see if they can make it work without the local community representatives and the expense we represent (mainly in the form of free stickers for our region's participants, and ML goodies such as annual pins recognizing our contributions).

The staffing changes claim is a hoot, because the impression I got was that the staff actually unanimously quit, rather than being let go for their involvement.  If that's not the case, there was significant gaslighting coming from the Interim Executive Director at the time of the "staffing changes," who told the MLs that our usual point of contact was "on leave," and only informed us that she had quit after she was supposed to have returned from leave.

Also, "staffing changes" is misleading because it implies that staff has been replaced.  As far as I know, HQ consists right now of the Interim Executive Director and maybe a programmer or two.  And the staff page is also down, which certainly implies that they don't want us to know this.

The email ends with a bunch more gaslighting and a call for donations.

The numbers read like resume bullet points or executive summaries, and are clearly designed to make it sound like NaNoWriMo has been communicating better than they have been.  Unfortunately, just because an email has been sent out doesn't mean it has communicated anything it should have.  Additionally, the part about it being possible to participate "if" your region doesn't have an ML is noteworthy for a couple of reasons: One, as I said above, I don't believe any region has had an ML reinstated, and two, it seems to support the theory that HQ is seeing if perhaps the community organizers aren't needed after all.

Finally, the call for donations in the signature is, just like the countdown on the website appearing before any communications went out to the community, tone deaf.  What exactly are we donating for?  I've seen posts indicating that educators may not even have access to the resources of the Young Writers Program anymore, and that program was always a significant part of what we were funding when we donated.  With that and the community outreach program in limbo, what exactly is left to support?  Right now NaNoWriMo is little more than a word count tracking website run by a backyard nonprofit with a skeleton crew, and as I mentioned in my post regarding NaNoWriMo alternatives, there are other ways to track word count in November.

I will be writing a novel this November as always, but this year my volunteer efforts will be better spent picking up the shattered pieces of our community that HQ left us with when they dismantled the ML program.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Time Management and the Importance of Down Time

I mentioned in my weekly goals post that last week was a really busy, rough week, and that at the end of it I canceled my plans for Sunday so I could just stay home and write.

I'm not always good at balancing that need, but I try.  In this case, I had a super busy, in-my-face Friday and Saturday, and desperately needed that break on Sunday.  It took me a couple of hours to realize Sunday, basically until I realized I was going to procrastinate getting going until it was too late and then feel bad about it.  Instead, I recognized what was happening, canceled my plans so that I would feel less bad about it, 

And yes, sitting on the couch writing for four hours is a break.  A lovely one, in fact!  I made tremendous progress on my novel, catching up from a decided slump.  And I ended the day feeling much less stressed and overwhelmed, despite the general busyness of the week.

It's so difficult to recognize when we need to slow down and give ourselves a break, yet it's so important to make sure we're doing this when it's needed.  everyone needs a break periodically!

When I'm not writing for a break, reading is another big contender.  We also like to go to movies occasionally, since we have A-List subscriptions with AMC.

What about you?  Are you able to recognize when you need a break, and how do you handle it when you realize?

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 40: A Small Reprieve

Last week was another rough week, but this week should be better.

Sound familiar?

I think it's true this time though.  I do have a few things scheduled this week, but it's considerably less demanding-looking on my calendar than last week was.

Remember how in last week's goals post I mentioned I usually only track 25-35 hours throughout the week, and the previous week I'd tracked 45?  Well, last week I tracked 38, which is a little less but still more than my usual.  No wonder it felt so busy!  Saturday was especially busy, straight from one thing to another all day long, so on Sunday I ended up canceling everything and staying home to WRITE.

This week should be better, though.  No, truly!  I have much less scheduled.

My goals for the week are:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Take doll photos & post content
  4. Work on organization

These are the same goals I had last week.  I managed to write nearly every day, worked a little on dolls, took doll photos, and posted content.  I did not get around to organization (I had some shelves to put up and didn't), and I did not do as much of the second and third items as I had intended.  The collab I filmed on Friday and the Q&A for NaNoWriMo my region held on Saturday took up much more of my time during the week than I had anticipated.

This week's goals are more or less the same.  Writing every day will probably always be a goal, and the rest of these goals will probably be pretty static as well, for the near future anyway.

As much as I would love to hope that my weeks will keep getting easier, the truth is that they are about to ramp up in a major way.  NaNoWriMo starts November 1st, and although my co-organizers and I are planning on distancing ourselves from HQ starting this year, we're still doing the challenge and all of the same events we always do.  So my life is about to get quite a bit more chaotic!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Let Freedom Read Day

Do you want to do more about book banning than celebrate Banned Books Week?  While exercising your right to read challenged books is important, today is about doing something about book banning.  Today is Let Freedom Read Day!

Let Freedom Read Day is all about taking an action - any action - that will help to fight the fight against book banning.

Ready to join the fray?  Here are my favorite suggestions from the Banned Books Week website on how you can help.

  • Register to vote.  Voting is important in any election, but especially in this election.  The availability of books in the education system is only one of the many things at stake this November.
  • Pledge to support the freedom to read when you vote.  Make a commitment to fight back against book banning at the ballot box!
  • Quiz your candidates.  Do you know where your local candidates stand on book banning?  If not, you should!  Research their positions, write to the campaign, or attend a town hall or campaign event to ask your questions.  This goes for elected officials, too: Just because they've been elected doesn't mean they can ignore the people's concerns, so make yours heard!
  • Talk openly about the dangers of book banning.  A lot of people don't understand the ramifications of censorship.  If you know someone like that in your life, this is your chance to educate them!  
  • Write a letter to the editor.  Getting a letter to the editor published in your local paper or community website can be a great tool for raising awareness and educating others on the impact of book banning.
  • Donate banned books to libraries, schools, and Little Free Libraries.  Give the gift of knowledge by donating banned books to places where they'll be read, spread, and enjoyed.

If these things feel like too much, rest assured, there are still ways you can help.

How Does Reading Banned Books Help?

This post is about things you can do to fight back against censorship, but in truth, reading is something you can do.  When you read banned books, you:

  • Support the author, publisher, and countless other people.  Buying books is obviously money in both the publisher's and the author's pockets, but reading from the library also helps to support them.  Libraries pay good money for books and demand will keep them buying!  Plus if you're reading a book, you're likely talking or posting about it, and word of mouth helps support authors and publishers too.
  • Maintain demand.  As noted above, libraries have to make decisions about what books to buy.  When a book is challenged, they may also need to fight the challenge with data on the book's demand.  It's easier to fight back against a challenge on a popular book in the library's collection.
  • Add to the discourse.  Assuming you talk or post about what you read, or even simply update your Goodreads account, you're adding to the overall conversation about the book.  Word of mouth helps generate support by getting other people interested in books and selling more copies, to both individuals and libraries.

Ultimately, the best way to combat book banning is to ensure that it never goes unacknowledged.  The best way to fight back against a ban on information is, after all, with more information.

I've signed the pledge, put several challenged books on my TBR list this week, and I will, as always, vote liberally this November.  What about you?  What actions are you taking for Let Freedom Read Day?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Happy Banned Books Week!

Every year I try to celebrate Banned Books Week with a blog post and by adding a banned or challenged book to my TBR list.  Often I find out it's Banned Books Week toward the end of the week, but this week I actually saw a post about it on Sunday!  Banned Books Week is this week, September 22-28.

The list of top challenged books of 2023 has a lot of repeats on it from last year's list:

  1. Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
  2. All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson
  3. This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  5. Flamer by Mike Curato
  6. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
  7. Tricks by Ellen Hopkins (tied)
  8. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews (tied)
  9. Let’s Talk About It by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan
  10. Sold by Patricia McCormick

If you compare this to the list published during Banned Books Week in 2023, you'll see a lot of repeats.  In fact, the only books on this list that weren't on last year's list are Tricks (by the same author as Crank, which was on last year's list); Let's Talk About It, which is just basically sex ed in graphic novel format; and Sold, which has been on top-10 lists of challenged books in the past.

Every year, I try to read at least one banned book, preferably one from the list.  From last year's list, I had already read quite a few of the books, so I chose to read and review Me and Early and the Dying Girl and Lawn Boy.  I also read Crank, Flamer, and Out of Darkness, and This Book Is Gay, and I've had Gender Queer, The Bluest Eye, and A Court of Mist and Fury on my list ever since.

This year I'm going to bump up Gender Queer and The Bluest Eye on my TBR list, and add Tricks.

How do you celebrate Banned Books Week?  I think the right to read and explore our world, and for our children to do so too, is one of the most important rights to exercise.  My first response any time I see a book being talked about or challenged is to want to know why.

As Stephen King has said, "When books are banned from school libraries, run to your public library, or the nearest bookstore, and read what it is your elders don't want you to know."

Please note that this page contains affiliate links.  Purchasing through these links helps me by giving me a small commission, at no cost to yourself.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 39: EXHAUSTED

Last week was an exhausting week.  I knew it was going to be a busy one, but underestimated exactly how busy.  As it turned out, I had to pick and choose what got done and what was deferred.

The biggest win for last week was working on my novel nearly every day.  (I did miss Friday.)  I worked on dolls a little, but didn't accomplish as much as I had in mind when I set the goal.  Same for doll photos and content.  And for my organization goal, I had planned to put up shelves, but we were so busy I didn't get around to that.

That being said, I did get a lot done last week, and I both babysat and puppy-sat, so there was a reason it was so busy.  All in all, I clocked 45 hours of tracked time, whereas normally I only track 25-35 hours.

This week won't be quite as busy, but it'll still be fairly busy.  I have basically the same goals for the week this week as I did last week:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Take doll photos & post content
  4. Work on organization

I did update one of those goals to posting content as well as taking the photos.  Sometimes getting the content posted is something I struggle with.  It's so weird, because it's easy to post content, right?  But sometimes I just don't want to do it.

Hopefully I don't struggle with productivity this week after how busy last week was.  That is a thing that happens to me sometimes.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Read an eBook Day!

Today is Read an eBook Day!  Well, technically for me, every day is Read an eBook Day, but today it's actually a national celebration.

I started reading ebooks close to 20 years ago at this point.  I started out reading them on my iPhone and eventually bought a Nook.  After several Nooks, I finally got a Kindle about 5 years ago, and I've been part of the Kindle family ever since.  I have a smaller, older Kindle that is always in my purse, but my favorite is the Kindle Scribe.

So I love that ebooks are celebrated with their very own holiday!  I still love physical books, and I even collect beautiful antique and vintage books, but ebooks have so many benefits that really speak to me as a reader.

  • Easy to hold.  A Kindle is much lighter weight than a hardback, and it's easier to hold one-handed and turn the pages, which all makes it easy to read in bed.  I've read before bed nearly my entire life, and it's so much a part of my bedtime schedule that I find I go to sleep faster and easier when I read first.
  • My entire library on one device.  Carrying my Kindle with me means that I have any book I want to read with me at all times.  I was that child who would bring two books to school when I knew I would finish one soon.  With a Kindle I don't have to worry about that anymore, as the next book is always there.
  • Traveling!  I used to have to plan my suitcase around several books.  Now I just always have my Kindle in my purse, so it's a non-issue.
  • Syncing between devices.  Sometimes I don't have my Kindle on me, just my phone.  No big deal because I have all my books on the Kindle app, too!
  • Easy library loans.  Honestly, I don't buy all that many ebooks.  Most of what I read is checked out from the library.  Kindle makes it super easy to download library books onto your device, and when the loan is up, they just go away.  No commute back and forth to the library required!
  • Easy on the eyes.  I prefer the black and white, "paperwhite" style devices because they simulate a page the best, and I love the fact that these devices are lit now so that you can read in low or no lighting environments.  I also really like being able to change the font and text size, margins, and other aspects of the text that customize the reading experience.  I'm getting older so this is becoming more important to me with time.
  • Automatic Goodreads updating.  This is a Kindle feature, but I love that it updates Goodreads automatically for me.  I'm an avid reader and I'd never be able to track what I've read and haven't read without Goodreads.

So yeah, no matter how much I love the beauty and the tactile experience of holding a physical book, for everyday reading I much prefer ebooks!

What are you reading today to celebrate Read an eBook Day?  I'm working my way through Eyes of the Void, the sequel to a book my sci-fi/fantasy book club read a couple months ago.

Please note that this post contains affiliate links.  Purchasing through these links may give me a small commission.  Thank you for your support!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 38: A Solid Start

After the insanity and stress of the last two weeks, this week feels tame in comparison... even though I'm actually quite busy this week.

Last week started out rough, but it ended on a good note.  I wrote content, wrote copy for the museum, sent emails in my quest to have a local alternative to NaNoWriMo in place this November, and I managed to get some work done on my novel every day except yesterday.  I also worked on a client's doll and mounted a couple shelves for dolls last night, which means I worked at least a little on every goal I had for the rest of the week.

This week will be, as I mentioned, more intense.  I have more responsibilities away from home, so there are a bunch of things that will have to wait until I have more time, probably on the weekend.  I'm babysitting all evening tonight, so I had to make some hard choices about what I was going to get done today (spoiler alert: not much).  I'm even writing this post from baseball practice!  And between riding, puppy sitting, a write-in, and book club, the rest of the week will be involve a lot of similar decisions about what I can actually accomplish.

This weekend will hopefully provide a chance to catch up on what wasn't doable during the week.

With those challenges in mind, here are my goals for the week:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Take doll photos
  4. Work on organization

Even though I've worked on my novel every day except yesterday, I haven't been my desired word count, so I'm falling behind.  I had set an unnecessarily aggressive end date, though, so I might extend that to give myself more time.  Either way I want to keep working on it every day to maintain the daily habit.

I also have a client doll to finish working on, plus I want to get to work on a few of my own.  It's time!  I have too many project dolls piled up.

The doll photos include some that I've been putting off, and I really want to make time for this week.  My Instagram account needs the love.

As for organization, we have a quilt hanger and a couple more shelves arriving this week so we can finish the area we were working on yesterday, and then I have some other shelves I want to put up soon.  The more shelves I get up, the more dolls I get off the floor and out of bins, so I have some incentive to keep making progress on that.

We'll see how the week progresses, but so far it's much better than last week, so I am optimistic!

Friday, September 13, 2024

NaNoWriMo Alternatives

I wrote recently about the outcry against NaNoWriMo's endorsement of AI and fallout within the community.  I'm honestly not sure NaNoWriMo will come back from this.  After the crisis last year, it seems like the staff has dwindled to potentially just one person, the Interim Executive Director.  That could have been survivable with time and a dedicated new staff, but the organization has felt badly mishandled this year, culminating in the endorsement of AI.

So if you are feeling like you can't in good conscience participate in NaNoWriMo again, and are mourning the loss of that experience and community, you are not alone.  Thankfully we, the community, can refuse to let NaNoWriMo take us down with it.  Here are a few resources you can use to replace what NaNoWriMo offered.

The Local NaNoWriMo Community

NaNoWriMo has been through some major changes right now.  MLs (Municipal Liaisons, the ones responsible for actually running each region) have been disbanded and are awaiting reinstatement as HQ (somday?) implements a more structured volunteer system, complete with background checks and ID verification.  While that was supposed to be implemented this year, there doesn't seem to be any movement on that front.

As a result, many MLs were faced with determining how best to contact their region and keep it together even before the AI endorsement got everyone all riled up.  We no longer have the ability to email our regions, so we're having to depend on our unofficial channels for reaching participants.  If you know your region has a Facebook page or group, a Discord server, or if they tend to use the region page's chat box (which is still active) on the NaNoWriMo website, check in!  If you had contact information for other wrimos, reach out!  Share information and get in touch with your MLs in any way possible.  Chances are your MLs are stressing about how to contact everyone, and one more person making contact would help to ease their worries.

It's important to remember that the community is still there, and there's no reason we have to give it up.  For now my region has opted to continue doing the noveling challenge in November, so that we can hold events for wrimos who are still participating in the official event, as well as rebels who are moving away from the organization.  For us, the important thing is to keep the community together, as we've always had a very active community in our region.

Online Word Count Trackers

I have not deleted my account on NaNoWriMo's website for several reasons, but I haven't used their word count tracker since news of the AI announcement broke.  I love having a word count tracker to show me my progress, so this was one of the first things I wanted to replace after making a plan for our community.

I've done a variety of other things in the past, back in the days when the NaNoWriMo word count trackers weren't available year round, such as reporting word count in blog posts and using this simple word count meter to give a visual display.  However I desperately wanted something better, something I didn't have to generate the code for and insert manually every time.

This time I found WriteTrack, an impressive system that enables you to create multiple projects, have friends on the site, and a variety of other NaNoWriMo-esque features.  I especially love the fact that it displays everything in a calendar, with updated word count goals for every day based on the words written so far.  In fact, it exports to a Google Calendar, which you can add to your account so that your word count goal shows at the top of every day's events.  And they update, too!

There's also a link to a progress bar that you can share with people.  I've been trying to get the embedding feature to work, but without much luck yet.  Click here to see my progress bar for Amnesia and the sequel (all rolled into one word count for now).

WriteTrack is free, but there's a donation button.  If I keep using it, I'll donate what I would have given to NaNoWriMo, as a thank-you for being there for us when NaNoWriMo failed us so spectacularly.  So far it's looking like I will be using it, as I really like the features.


You know, there's nothing that says NaNoWriMo owns the concept of write-ins.  If you find, like I do, that regular write-ins help you to keep you motivated and productive, set some up of your own!  Even if it's just you and one other local writing friend, pick a time and place and start meeting regularly to get some words in.  If you do it in a place where other writers frequent, or if you put the word out among writing friends and the local NaNoWriMo community that you have a year-round write-in, most likely you'll get new people joining.  We've had some people only come once and decide it's not for them, but we've also gained others who come every time.

Online Community

If in-person write-ins aren't your thing, there are still plenty of ways to get words written with other writers.  Our region of NaNoWriMo has an established Discord server that sees activity year-round, and we've even added a bot to the server for running virtual writing sprints.  Other platforms can also be useful for supporting virtual writing communities in lieu of NaNoWriMo.  For instance, you could create a Facebook group and use group chats or video events to run virtual write-ins or writing sprints.

If nothing else, NaNoWriMo has shown us that writing does not have to be a solitary thing, and that relying on a social writing community can actually be beneficial.  But that doesn't mean the community has to be NaNoWriMo's.  Even if you're uneasy about participating in NaNoWriMo after the AI endorsement or the other scandals, don't give up on writing or the community!  Find or build your own community.

I'll post with more alternative resources if I find anything else worthwhile.  In the meantime, feel free to friend me on WriteTrack!  I'm KatharineSwan, no spaces.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 37: Recovery and Recovery and Recovery

This week has been difficult so far, which is why I'm writing down my goals for the week on a Wednesday instead of a Monday.

Last week was all about gearing up for the museum's Fall Show, which was over the weekend.  I had a lot to do to get ready for that, and it was complicated by the drama surrounding the other nonprofit I volunteer with, NaNoWriMo.  As I wrote about in my post last week, NaNoWriMo endorsed AI in a rather wishy-washy statement, infuriated creatives all over the world, and sent participants and regions into a tailspin.  As one of my region's leaders, there were things I had to do to address it, plus I was rather obsessed with checking for more news for a couple of days.

After a couple of days of that, I kicked myself back into gear, but I'd already lost a lot of time and it was difficult to recover from.  So it felt like much of my preparation for the Fall Show was done by the seat of my pants.

On paper, I achieved all the goals I planned for the week, except for writing every day.  (I didn't write Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, my big Fall Show days, as I was either busy or exhausted for most of that time.)  I worked on dolls (though didn't get one done that I'd planned to), I prepped my exhibits and got them set up (late), and I prepped for my workshop on Sunday (at the least minute, and we had a snafu during the workshop that could have been prevented if I'd prepared better).

Everything went well, but some things felt a little too rushed and last-minute that didn't have to be.  You can read my post on my doll blog about my American Girl doll restringing workshop here.

This week started out with a recovery day.  I was expecting not to want to do much on Monday, and I was right.  Then, on Tuesday, we ended up spending 2.5 hours at the vet with our younger cat, and I had a hard time focusing for the rest of the day.

Which brings us to today.  After the last 8 or 9 days, it's probably no surprise that I'm still having a hard time focusing, but it's getting better.  In the hopes of the rest of the week being more normal, I'll make some goals:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Work on organization

After the scramble to gather dolls for my exhibit, and especially after the restringing workshop on Sunday, I came home from the show feeling energized.  I wanted to keep working on dolls, and focus on getting my doll room in order so I can enjoy that space a little better.  The workshop reminded me that I love doll stuff and want to make more time for it.

I also have a fairly free weekend ahead of me, which I'm hoping to use to work on organization and time-consuming tasks like mounting some new shelves.  Getting the shelves up will help me get more things organized and put away.

As for writing, I had to take three days off over the weekend, but this week I've managed to write every day.  I need a couple of really big word count days in order to really make up lost ground, but for now, I'm happy to be writing every day again.  I want to make sure I keep it up.

We'll see how the rest of this week plays out, but I am hoping to get back on track.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

NaNoWriMo's AI-Fueled Downfall

It's been a rough few days in NaNo-land.

For those who haven't seen the news yet, NaNoWriMo shot themselves in the foot a few days ago by endorsing (or at least refusing to condemn) using AI tools to write your NaNoWriMo novel (original statement).  A lot of us feel like this defeats the purpose of the challenge to write 50,000 words in a month, because if you can just have AI do it, what's the point of challenging yourself?

I think the key words here are challenging yourself.

NaNoWriMo's official statement is vague, and you might note that it doesn't say generative AI.  In fact, it doesn't really specify any type of AI tool, of which there are many valid ones, such as grammar checkers, speech-to-text, editing software, and name generators.  But I think it's important to note what the statement does not say: It never says you can't use generative AI, and since NaNoWriMo's entire challenge is to write your novel, I think that's important.

It's also noteworthy that while HQ has revised the statement once already, they have not revised it to specify the types of AI they mean, even though they pointed out in an email to author Cass Morris that they didn't say generative AI.  Interesting that while they told her that in an email, they didn't bother revising the original statement accordingly, isn't it?

The answer may be found in their sponsorship.  As many other sources have already noted, NaNoWriMo is sponsored by ProWritingAid, an AI-based service for writers.  I think it's clear HQ didn't want to offend their sponsor with their answer.  Unfortunately, they've lost other sponsors since making their statement.  Ellipsus stepped down as a NaNoWriMo sponsor, and while Freewrite hasn't made a similar announcement, The Mary Sue noted that Freewrite was no longer a NaNoWriMo sponsor either.  And I noticed today that Ninja Writers has dropped off the list of NaNoWriMo's sponsors since last night, too.  (For reference, this was the list of sponsors just before the story broke.)

Incidentally, the statement from ProWritingAid in this article makes it sound like they're not too pleased with NaNoWriMo's stance on AI.

As you can imagine from a community of creatives, people are infuriated with NaNoWriMo's stance.  As the Literary Hub rightly noted, NaNoWriMo pissed off the whole internet.  Several authors have stepped down from NaNoWriMo's writers board in fury.  The disability community is furious at the implications that they couldn't write a novel without help.  And rumors, possibly driven by a comment from Maureen Johnson, are circulating that NaNoWriMo novels could be stolen for AI training.

To make things worse, this is all following a particularly rough couple of years for NaNoWriMo.  A couple of years ago, users realized that one of their sponsors was a predatory self-publishing service.  And last year, HQ came under fire for not handling well (or at all) accusations of predatory behavior towards underaged writers on the forums.  The latter scandal resulted in the board getting involved.

Whew, I thought.  At least that will be handled.

Unfortunately, "handling" it ended up with nearly the entire staff leaving or being let go (no idea which), the former board president stepping down to fill the position of Interim Executive Director, and a complete restructure of the volunteer system that puts 900 local volunteers in charge of their local regions.  I understand the need for better checks and balances in the volunteer system, but that felt mishandled too, to the point that we've all been cut loose and are still waiting to be reinstated, less than two months before the start of NaNoWriMo.

In other words, it's pretty safe to say that NaNoWriMo will be run without the help of their Municipal Liaisons this year.  And as far as I can tell, HQ is currently a one-woman show, or at least nearly so.  The staff page from the website is gone, and to my knowledge we have yet to see any evidence that anyone other than their Interim Executive Director is answering communications.

I've tried to remain optimistic throughout all of this, standing up for HQ even when most other MLs were raging against them.  But this last thing, endorsing AI to write your novel, is too much for me.  My heart is broken.  I've put 9 years of volunteer work and 18 years of writing into NaNoWriMo, and I've always believed in their goals of promoting literacy and encouraging amateur writers.  Endorsing AI feels like they've betrayed their non-profit's mission statement and the goals behind their 25-year history.

Their Young Writers Program mission statement reads (emphasis added):

National Novel Writing Month believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page.

That stings, don't it? 

It's not true that our NaNo novels will be used to train AI (NaNoWriMo hasn't required a word count validation in years, and even when they did, it was easy to use a lorem ipsum generator to upload instead).  Even ProWritingAid states that their users' work is safe:

For grammar checking, once checking has been completed, all submitted texts and their improvements will be deleted. When using ProWritingAid, your texts will not be used to improve the quality of our services.

Even so, many wrimos (as we tend to call ourselves) no longer feel comfortable aligning ourselves with NaNoWriMo.   A lot of participants have already publicly stated that they've deleted their NaNoWriMo accounts.  And while I'm hoping the Interim Executive Director will recognize that she's destroyed the organization's credibility and step down as Interim Director before she does any more damage, my fear is that she will instead dig in and try to maintain her untenable position.  If she does so, I have no doubt that NaNoWriMo will go down with her.

While NaNoWriMo's future hangs in the balance, many of us are looking for alternatives.  I don't want to give up the writing community or the challenge, so I will be looking for ways to continue in an unofficial capacity.  More information on that to come!

Update 9/6/2024:

Today NaNoWriMo issued a letter to the community, and revised their statement on AI.

It doesn't change that this was handled badly and that I've lost faith in the organization.  The statement actually feels a little condescending, like it's saying, "We didn't know we had to tell you the full story behind our decision."  And ultimately, it is not a strong enough retraction to heal the harm done to our community.  I think it would have needed to take a position such as "using AI to generate your novel would not be in keeping with the original challenge," even if it only relegated generative AI users to "rebels" instead of followers of the traditional challenge.

Overall, this response from NaNoWriMo feels like too little, too late, and with lots of condescension thrown in.


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