
Monday, August 26, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 35: Two Weeks Until the Fall Show

Last week was a crazy week.  We were house sitting for my husband's parents, which meant a lot of back and forth to take care of our cats every day.  Thankfully the diabetic cat went into remission just before we started house sitting, so this time we didn't have to time our visits to give her insulin injections.

In addition to the house sitting, I had a pretty productive week.  I had some big writing days, got a bunch done to prep for and promote the museum's Fall Show, and kept up on social media.

I also had an idea for a new, fun YA novel.  I didn't want to lose the idea, so I started working on it right away.  I wrote nearly 8,000 words for it on Thursday!  Right now I'm trying to maintain both the new novel and the sequel to Amnesia at the same time, which is tough as they are very different novels.  Some days I've only worked on one or the other, and other days I've managed to do a little on each.  I figure what matters most is writing every day, regardless of which one.

All in all, I feel pretty good about last week.  I had three goals, and I feel like I accomplished what I set out to do.  I got an effective system set up for Todoist and Google Calendar, I wrote every day except for Monday, and I got a bunch of stuff done for the Fall Show.

This week will be more of the same, except that the Fall Show is coming up quickly, so I'll be focusing heavily on getting ready for it.

  1. Keep writing every day
  2. Stay on top of social media and communications for the Fall Show in 2 weeks
  3. Work on dolls and restringing kits for my workshop at the show

I will need to maintain a decent level of productivity this week.  The Fall Show is just under two weeks away, and I need to keep promoting it on social media, keep in touch with others who are working on it, and get everything ready for my workshop.  There are other things I'd like to start working on soon, but I'll put them off until after the show, to ensure I get the most time sensitive things done.

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