
Thursday, September 05, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 36: Deadlines and Crises

This post was supposed to go up Tuesday (since Monday was a holiday), but Tuesday had a hole blown right through it when NaNoWriMo pissed off the entire internet by endorsing the use of AI in their writing challenge.  I didn't get anything done yesterday, and today I only got anything done because I worked on my novel and got set up with a new word count tracking site I found.

Throughout everything, I've managed to maintain a daily writing habit.  I succeeded in writing every day last week, which was my number one goal.  I also kept up with posting on social media about the show for the first few days, but then fell behind.  I didn't get any work done on dolls or on prepping for the show, beyond the many emails and messages I've sent and the logistics I've figured out.

With so much to do still, I really need to buckle down tomorrow, since there are only a couple days left before the show.  It feels a bit silly to write about my goals so late in the week, but I'm hoping writing this post will help me focus on my priorities.

  1. Keep writing every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Get together my exhibits for the show
  4. Prep for my workshop on Sunday

It's a lot still to do and it'll be a struggle to get it all done, but I have no choice.  I lost a lot of time yesterday and today to fretting about the current NaNoWriMo controversy.

Once I get through this and have time to sit down and write a blog post about it, I have many thoughts to share about what's going on with NaNoWriMo and their statement on AI right now.

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