
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 37: Recovery and Recovery and Recovery

This week has been difficult so far, which is why I'm writing down my goals for the week on a Wednesday instead of a Monday.

Last week was all about gearing up for the museum's Fall Show, which was over the weekend.  I had a lot to do to get ready for that, and it was complicated by the drama surrounding the other nonprofit I volunteer with, NaNoWriMo.  As I wrote about in my post last week, NaNoWriMo endorsed AI in a rather wishy-washy statement, infuriated creatives all over the world, and sent participants and regions into a tailspin.  As one of my region's leaders, there were things I had to do to address it, plus I was rather obsessed with checking for more news for a couple of days.

After a couple of days of that, I kicked myself back into gear, but I'd already lost a lot of time and it was difficult to recover from.  So it felt like much of my preparation for the Fall Show was done by the seat of my pants.

On paper, I achieved all the goals I planned for the week, except for writing every day.  (I didn't write Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, my big Fall Show days, as I was either busy or exhausted for most of that time.)  I worked on dolls (though didn't get one done that I'd planned to), I prepped my exhibits and got them set up (late), and I prepped for my workshop on Sunday (at the least minute, and we had a snafu during the workshop that could have been prevented if I'd prepared better).

Everything went well, but some things felt a little too rushed and last-minute that didn't have to be.  You can read my post on my doll blog about my American Girl doll restringing workshop here.

This week started out with a recovery day.  I was expecting not to want to do much on Monday, and I was right.  Then, on Tuesday, we ended up spending 2.5 hours at the vet with our younger cat, and I had a hard time focusing for the rest of the day.

Which brings us to today.  After the last 8 or 9 days, it's probably no surprise that I'm still having a hard time focusing, but it's getting better.  In the hopes of the rest of the week being more normal, I'll make some goals:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Work on organization

After the scramble to gather dolls for my exhibit, and especially after the restringing workshop on Sunday, I came home from the show feeling energized.  I wanted to keep working on dolls, and focus on getting my doll room in order so I can enjoy that space a little better.  The workshop reminded me that I love doll stuff and want to make more time for it.

I also have a fairly free weekend ahead of me, which I'm hoping to use to work on organization and time-consuming tasks like mounting some new shelves.  Getting the shelves up will help me get more things organized and put away.

As for writing, I had to take three days off over the weekend, but this week I've managed to write every day.  I need a couple of really big word count days in order to really make up lost ground, but for now, I'm happy to be writing every day again.  I want to make sure I keep it up.

We'll see how the rest of this week plays out, but I am hoping to get back on track.

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