
Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekly Goals, Week 38: A Solid Start

After the insanity and stress of the last two weeks, this week feels tame in comparison... even though I'm actually quite busy this week.

Last week started out rough, but it ended on a good note.  I wrote content, wrote copy for the museum, sent emails in my quest to have a local alternative to NaNoWriMo in place this November, and I managed to get some work done on my novel every day except yesterday.  I also worked on a client's doll and mounted a couple shelves for dolls last night, which means I worked at least a little on every goal I had for the rest of the week.

This week will be, as I mentioned, more intense.  I have more responsibilities away from home, so there are a bunch of things that will have to wait until I have more time, probably on the weekend.  I'm babysitting all evening tonight, so I had to make some hard choices about what I was going to get done today (spoiler alert: not much).  I'm even writing this post from baseball practice!  And between riding, puppy sitting, a write-in, and book club, the rest of the week will be involve a lot of similar decisions about what I can actually accomplish.

This weekend will hopefully provide a chance to catch up on what wasn't doable during the week.

With those challenges in mind, here are my goals for the week:

  1. Write every day
  2. Work on dolls
  3. Take doll photos
  4. Work on organization

Even though I've worked on my novel every day except yesterday, I haven't been my desired word count, so I'm falling behind.  I had set an unnecessarily aggressive end date, though, so I might extend that to give myself more time.  Either way I want to keep working on it every day to maintain the daily habit.

I also have a client doll to finish working on, plus I want to get to work on a few of my own.  It's time!  I have too many project dolls piled up.

The doll photos include some that I've been putting off, and I really want to make time for this week.  My Instagram account needs the love.

As for organization, we have a quilt hanger and a couple more shelves arriving this week so we can finish the area we were working on yesterday, and then I have some other shelves I want to put up soon.  The more shelves I get up, the more dolls I get off the floor and out of bins, so I have some incentive to keep making progress on that.

We'll see how the week progresses, but so far it's much better than last week, so I am optimistic!

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