
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Cat, Interrupted

I did it again.  On Monday's weekly goals post, I said:

This week is already looking a little gnarly on the schedule, but I don't think it'll be as bad as last week.  Hopefully fewer surprises, anyway, and a more relaxed weekend once I make it there.

Spoiler alert: There have been lots of surprises, and the weekend is anything but relaxing.

On Monday our cat Izzy, whom we'd been following around all weekend with food, refused to eat at all.  We got her into the vet and it was determined that her kidney disease, diagnosed four weeks ago, was out of control.  We took her right to an emergency vet service.

She was put on IV fluids and still struggled, plus she has a complicated medical history and a number of current issues, so on Wednesday we were transferred to a different facility with a nephrology department.  This one was almost an hour away instead of five minutes away, so I've spent the rest of the week driving to Boulder twice a day every day.

Still she has continued to decline, so they decided to put her on dialysis.  Her first treatment was last night, and it helped a lot, but it also cost her some blood when she was already anemic.  She badly needed a transfusion, but it turned out she is type B, which is very rare for cats.  The clinic managed to find the only available type B blood in the state at CSU in Fort Collins, so we took her there today for a transfusion that will hopefully help her to heal.

And that's been my week: worrying, driving, visiting, and raising money to help my poor kitty.

For right now, I have no goals, other than surviving and doing the best I can for Izzy.

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