Last week wasn't great, and I'm wondering if it has to do with the mid-January slump, the point at which people struggle with their New Year's resolutions. It's too bad, because I was actually hoping to improve upon the previous week, but instead I fared a little worse.
Of course, it could just be that I was much busier than usual last week, between appointments during the week and the weather over the weekend -- it was very cold all weekend, causing us a lot of extra work at the barn.
Unfortunately, I anticipate that this week won't be much better, distracted as I am by current events at the moment.
Here's how last week fared:
I wish I could say again that writing was the one area in which I did well, but it's not true of last week. I did put in a lot of time through Thursday, but Friday through this Monday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which I was kinda counting as part of the weekend and therefore part of last week) I didn't write at all. So my daily habit was an epic fail last week, despite the big writing days early in the week.
I did post to my author Instagram last week, but I didn't get the second post up like I'd wanted to.
Decluttering and Organization
I had good intentions, but never quite got around to cleaning or decluttering or organizing anything.
Instead of working on doll projects, I added to them, doing several pickups. I worked a little on video content but didn't get anything finished or posted.
Lessons Learned
I suppose if there is a lesson to be learned here, it's that I need to make sure I don't let other things encroach on my time to pursue my goals for the year -- or at least find a better balance between my goals and the other things that need to be done. For example, one of the things that sucked my time was how much time I spent at the barn each day when it was close to and below zero over the weekend. Those kinds of temperatures make everything take longer, because we have to feed my horses mashes (to get ahead of refusals to drink) and take the time to break the ice out of the water tanks and buckets. This week has some other demands on it as well, but hopefully nothing quite as bad.
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