Last week was something of a disaster, which I suspected it would be when I wrote my week 3 post. Current events had me pretty distracted most of the week, and then I was swept up into finding alternatives for Amazon. I'll write more about that later.
What I did accomplish last week isn't pretty, but I'll give the rundown anyway:
I managed to work on my novel four days out of seven, which isn't as much as I'd wanted but it's something. I also posted to my author Instagram.
Decluttering and Organization
I... thought about it?
I thought about this too!
Lessons Learned
Honestly, I'm not going to give myself a hard time for being distracted by current events or for giving into my impulsivity and spending several days researching ways to live up to my moral compass. I am, however, considering shifting my schedule to reflect my priorities and writing first every day, before the day gets away from me.
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