Progress has been slow, but I can still see signs of it. I had a more productive week last week, and have been feeling more motivated overall. This is an improvement over the previous week, when I was only just starting to feel like I was coming back from my slump.
I worked on my novel four days in a row last week, Monday through Thursday. I had hoped to keep up the streak a little longer, but we had a busy weekend and I wasn't able to get any writing time in. A future goal will be to make sure I get writing time on weekends, but it didn't happen this time.
I posted to my author Instagram four times as well. A lot of it has been political stuff, but hey, it's posting, right?
Decluttering and Organization
It's minor, but I'm going to count it as a win: Last week I did all the laundry and put it away the same day (some of you know how hard this can be), and I started cleaning up the garden for spring. I'd like to be able to enjoy my patio this year, but it's been very neglected the last several years so it's going to take some work to get it back to where it looks nice and feels like somewhere I can sit and hang out again.
This week I'm hoping to get more done in the garden, and hopefully get caught up on some projects inside as well.
No progress here last week, but I anticipate that changing this week. I have a lot to do still to get ready for the doll show, which is in just one month now!
Lessons Learned
Coming back from burnout or overwhelm is possible, but it's an excruciating, uphill battle and progress takes time. Still, I feel like I did much better last week, and hopefully will see even more improvement in the next couple of weeks, as the doll show deadline looms.
On that note, though, I fully expect the mad rush to get ready for the show to kick me back into a burnout state. I might purposely schedule a week or two of recovery time with few responsibilities and see if that helps. In the past, when I've tried to skip recovery time after a big event like this show, what normally happens is that it just prolongs the burnout over weeks or even months.
I'll deal with that when it comes. What matters right now is holding it together for the next month so that I can be ready for that show!
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